Friday, January 13, 2012

Thinking of Scary Stuff

It’s hard to do this every day.  Every day I deal with something scary and I think, “Oh, this is something to write about.”  But the sitting down and writing doesn’t always happen.  At first I told myself that I didn’t have the time.  But I think that’s just an excuse.  The truth is, it just sucks to think of scary stuff.

Which leads to the next logical question, “Why would anyone want to read about this scary stuff?”

When I started this business in 2006 everyone kept telling me that I would have people lined up outside my door.  I was offering to help people get organized around their finances.  C’mon!  How many people do you know could use help in that area?  Everyone I told the idea to said, “Oh, my uncle could use your service” or “My neighbor is a mess.”  But no one called and the money never flowed.

It took several years before I realized how much fear there is around this topic.  Money is terrifying.  Well, I should modify that.  Managing money is terrifying.  There are people who manage successful businesses, understand investments and the economy, and can’t remember to pay their personal bills on time.  They think they are good money managers.  Then there are people who keep large families fed and clothed on tiny incomes, and they believe they are bad money managers because they’re not rich.  It’s so screwed up.  And when I step in and try to help any of these people, they run.  This is scary stuff.

The reality is we all need to just sit down and face it.  Face the scary stuff.  That’s the only way we’re ever going to get through to the other side.

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